
Saturday, July 16, 2011


A piece of chocolate cake
on my far-edged computer table.
it attracts me.
But I have yet to have my spoon.
It would be dirty
to hold the cake with my bare hands.

Hah! I guess I will just wait.
wait for my spoon to arrive.
wait for my time to arrive.
wait for you.
It appears that,
a piece of chocolate cake
is not as easy as a piece of cake.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


A road without streetlights.
An eagle without wings.
A box without a base.
A book without pages.
A fish without water.
a man without air.
a test without timing.
Faith without consideration.
A world without color.
It is still darkness,

Saturday, April 9, 2011

pieces of my heart.

If I could cut out pieces of my heart,
and sell it.
What would it feel like?

Would it feel sad?

Would it be pain?

I don't really care, but

I am sure those pieces are not even worthy.
Nobody will want them.
Not even worthy,
to you.